Competent SEO Marketer

8 Reasons to Invest in a Competent SEO Marketer A competent SEO marketer can bring so much value to your overall marketing efforts online. Because if you think about it, all principles and disciplines applied to SEO services apply to marketing in general. Now, you may have heard about search engine optimisation already or even already have a team taking care of it for you. You as made all efforts as well for digital marketing east Perth and took fixed cost website maintenance services on board for your campaign. Hence, as far as you’re concerned, you did your part. So, why are you looking at unsatisfactory analytics numbers? Well, in that case, perhaps the real question is competency. You see, this trade is not a one-shot process. The team that should handle it should be the best. You can read the previous post about the traits that you should look for in finding the best ones. But before you go over that post, might as well read what perks to look at when you start consid...