The Challenges of being a Search Engine Optimisation Specialist

The Challenges of being a Search Engine Optimisation Specialist

What's truly remarkable about good search engine optimisation specialist is how they thrive through all the challenges of their work. SEO is overall a vague field of expertise with heaps of branches. As a matter of fact, it involved too many responsibilities. And finding your way through all of them requires discipline and good traits of a good SEO specialist. Unless you are more focused on negative tactics which may bring short term value to your campaigns but it will hurt it greatly in the long run. Although you are not the sole responsibility of the overall well being of your client’s website. You are nonetheless a critical factor and influencer in most of the significant efforts to weaponising its content and design, and serves its main purpose of gathering more conversion and leads to your client.
Thus so, as an SEO expert, you will face so many challenges before you can make the most of the primary benefits of running an SEO campaign. In fact, these obstacles are not even consistent and are more likely to be specific to the type of campaign being run. Nonetheless, being an industry expert to the ways of the digital world. We have gathered a reliable list to itemise the main challenges of a search engine optimisation specialist. Here are:

12 Challenges That a Search Engine Optimisation Specialist Face and How to Overcome Them

1. Managing Tasks and Campaigns

Running a campaign is overwhelming enough. Especially in meeting up deadlines and getting over the necessary routine process. All the more if you are running multiple campaigns for multiple clients. You will need to be the type of search engine optimisation specialist that is keen to details, organised, and can manage prioritisation of your task.

2. Meeting Client Expectations

Your clients only know what they need to know about SEO. And more often, that is not enough. Hence, you will need to be really careful in setting expectations if you aim for long term business relationship with them. Otherwise, they may end up looking the other way and terminating the contract with you. Give them a solid, uncomplicated and result oriented perspective of SEO. And tread with full honesty when setting up your pitch.

3. Sudden Decrease in Rankings

The main function of a search engine is to give access to reliable information for their searchers. And if you are to be a good search engine optimisation specialist, you will need to help the search engines do that. As well as keep up with their ever-changing updates on their guidelines and algorithms. Now, having mentioned client expectations above. It is critical to point out to clients that due to the algorithm updates, setbacks are inevitable yet controllable.

4. Keeping Up with Changes

Unlike the real world, laws, and rules (especially referring to physics) are more often constant and unchanging. The digital world is driven by trend and innovation. Hence, as a search engine optimisation specialist, you will always be on the chase for what is new and what is working. Thus, you need constant research. As well as, you will need to constantly tweak your strategies to find the best way to boost website rankings and stats.

5. Focusing on a Single Strategy

It is as bad as it sounds. But surprisingly, many search engine optimisation specialists are prone to doing it. Especially if they are running more campaigns than what they can handle. But the reason as to why it’s a bad practice can never get any more straightforward—change is innate in SEO. So, when the strategy you are so keen to focus on does not work anymore. You will not have any backup strategy to maintain your stats. Hence, your client’s campaign will plummet its way to the bottom.

6. Overdoing A Multi-Service Approach

As tempting as it is to offer the most with SEO, given its apparent need for complementary services such as web designing, proofreading, content writing, etc. One should be aware of their own limitations. Otherwise, you may end up with dissatisfied clients and worst they may get too frustrated with your process and leave.

7. Setting High Priority to Auxiliary Metrics Over Leads and Sales

Analytics does a really fine job in breaking down objectives and goals for SEO. But then your clients don’t really care about anything else but leads and conversions. Hence, as much as it is necessary to do certain efforts to improve your bounce rates, organic traffic, social media referrals per se. It would be best to prioritise actions that will lead to a certain lead generation and more business opportunities for your client’s trade.

8. Vegging Out Too Much

When good results pile up and start showing in your reports. Your greatest tendency is to become overconfident and start to look for other avenues to discover which will redirect your attention to the things that put you to where your campaigns are today. Never over relax. As much as how innovation is necessary, as a search engine optimisation specialist, you will need to keep your focus in check.

9. Properly Educating Clients

There’s a reason why many people hate math and any other technical fields. But for the most part, they hate details. They won't see things on the bigger picture and are not willing to dive into too many details. Hence, the main reason why you should keep educating clients and be patient enough not to force information to them. Make customer education a constant process instead of simply giving an overview without any follow-up information.

10. Finding the Right Tools

With the many responsibilities of a search engine optimisation specialist, tools are their only best friend. They make SEO work easier and more efficient. Now, the only catch is actually investing your money for subscription and downloads. But if you are aiming for real growth. Selecting the best SEO tools to make your process easier for you, is a good way to go.

11. Handling Challenges

This part can’t get any more straightforward since we are talking about challenges. But nonetheless, it's still worth mentioning anyway. As much as you need to manage the task, you will also need to manage the obstacles keeping from doing optimum work. You need to ensure that their negative effects are kept in check.

12. Estimating and Setting Scales in Between Campaigns

Save the best for last as what they say. Although this item may not be something that you will consider as “best” per se, it is the greatest challenge that an expert like you will face. Because this part needs heaps of experience so you can effectively scale your campaigns. Overlooking this part may lead to unachievable client expectations.
It’s one thing to keep your eyes on the prize. But its also necessary to see the whole picture for you to prepare yourself. And outsmart the contingencies of the process.

Have you got any more questions?

Then check out our website at and find more realistic solutions to SEO. And if you want to know the SEO tactics that you should stay away from, we recommend reading our article on Easy Rankings Due to Black Hat SEO? Don't get fooled!


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