SEO Consultant

10 Questions You Should Ask in Hiring an SEO Consultant It’s apparent that SEO is the greatest investment for small business online. And we’ve established in our previous articles what value can a good SEO services specialist bring to your enterprise. But how can you make sure to find the right person for the job upon hiring? Simple. Ask the right questions during your SEO consultant interview. And get the peace of mind of hiring only the best through an effective hiring process. You can also single out the best from all your prospect more effectively and efficiently. So, to help you acquire the best one, we’ve gathered the best interview questions for you. So, let's unveil the 10 Questions that you should ask your prospect SEO consultant. 1. Can you give me a list of the present and previous websites you've worked for? A track record of success is an SEO consultant’s pride. Hence, they should be more than willing to show it to you when you ask. This will then give ...